Borrowing power
Discover how much you can afford to borrow.
Other tools and calculators
Budget planner
Get a clear idea of where your money is going.
Repayment Calculator
See what your home loan repayments could be.
Stamp duty calculator
Work out the cost of stamp duty for your state or territory.
Deposit planner
Set a savings goal for your home loan deposit.
Key fact sheet
Get an overview of the overall costs of a home loan.
Personal loan calculator
Know what your car loan or personal loan repayments might be.
Buying or refinancing
Looking to buy a home or refinance your loan?
First home buyer
Deposit at the ready? We can help with a loan for your first home
Investment property
Need finance for your investment property portfolio?
Home loan key features
Once you have run the numbers and are ready to take out a mortgage, browse our range of competitive home loans to find the right one for you.
Check out our great interest rates from 6.39% p.a. (7.34% p.a. comparison rate).
Our home loans come with:
- Competitive fixed or variable rates
- Fast approvals
- Principal and interest monthly repayments
- Offset account available for both fixed and variable rate loans
- Choose a loan term that suits you up to 30 years
- Redraw facility on all loan types available
- Pre-approval available
- Friendly and helpful team in branch or over the phone
Borrowing power FAQs
What is the purpose of our calculators?
We understand that before you take out a home loan that it is important to have a clear idea of your financial situation. That’s why we have designed a range of calculators that will allow you to see everything from what the cost of stamp duty could be to an overview of where your money is going each month to how much you will pay in repayments and interest over the life of the loan.
Take the time to run the numbers according to your specific scenario, but keep in mind that our calculators only provide a general overview. Our friendly team is always here to help. Book an appointment with our lending specialists.
Give us a call on (07) 4031 4460 or email us at and book in a time to come and chat.
What does the term borrowing power mean?
Borrowing power is simply an estimated amount that you will be able to borrow based on your current financial situation. Keep in mind, each bank or financial institution will have a different risk appetite and use varying criteria for calculating your borrowing power.
How is my borrowing power calculated?
There are a number of factors that will be taken into consideration when calculating how much you can borrow, which include:
- Income (including investment dividends and rental yields etc)
- Debt (credit cards, personal loans, car loans or any current loans)
- Living expenses (grocery bills, electricity and gas bills)
What will I need to apply for a home loan?
When you visit us in branch, there are several documents that you will need to bring with you. Visit our How to apply for a home loan page for a full rundown.
Apply for a home loan today
To find out more or to apply for a home loan, book an appointment with our friendly team.
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