
This information aims to inform customers of Cairns Bank how we deal with your personal information. It tells you about our credit reporting policy and how and when your information will be disclosed. It tells you of your rights under the Australian Privacy Act and what you can expect from us. If you have any questions or if anything is not clear, please talk to us.
We have a seperate Consumer Data Right Policy which sets out how we will share data under the Consumer Data Right laws when authorised to do so.

Information Collection

Cairns Bank may collect your personal information:

  • to identify you in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Legislation and relevant scheme rules;
  • to provide information about a product or service;
  • to consider your request for a product or service;
  • to provide you with a product or service;
  • to assist in arrangements with other organisations in relation to the provision of a product or service or suspend its operation until it is provided;
  • to perform administrative and operational tasks (including systems development and testing, staff training, and market or customer satisfaction research);
  • to prevent or investigate any fraud or crime (or a suspected fraud or crime); and as required by relevant laws and scheme rules.

In some circumstances, Cairns Bank may collect your personal information from a third party service provider. For example, Cairns Bank may collect, from the provider of a payments platform where your transactions are stored, information about the transactions you undertake. Cairns Bank collects this information in order to manage the service it provides to you. If you do not provide some or all information requested, Cairns Bank may be unable to provide you with a product or service. Cairns Bank will not collect sensitive information about you, such as health information, without your consent.

Other Information

When you visit our website we may collect information through the use of “cookies”.  Cookies are small text files, stored on your computer’s hard drive, that enables us to obtain information about your interactions with our site (for example, which pages you have visited and how ofter).  Cookies also enable us to understand what you are interested in and tailor any marketing communications.  We may use this information in conjunction with overseas and local marketing providers such as Google, Mailchimp and Facebook to provide information about our products and services.  Both Google, and Facebook also use cookies – information is available on their websites.  You are able to block cookies by changing the settings on your browser.


Cairns Bank may provide your information:

  • to any outsourced service providers (for example fraud and anti-money laundering service providers);
  • to regulatory bodies, government agencies, law enforcement bodies and courts;
  • to other parties as is authorised or required by law;
  • to participants in the payments system and other financial institutions for the purpose of resolving disputes, errors or other matters arising out of your use of your Cairns Bank Visa debit card or third parties using your card or card information; or
  • to credit reporting bodies or debt collection agencies.

Disclosure to Overseas Recipients

To facilitate transaction identification and to assist with the identification of suspicious or fraudulent transactions, your personal information and transaction details may be sent to countries other than Australia. By using your Cairns Bank Visa debit card, you agree that your personal information and transaction details may be sent overseas for the purposes of assisting with the identification of suspicious or fraudulent transactions or as required by law.

In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.), Cairns Bank must comply with the Australian Privacy Principles and any relevant code registered under that law.

Credit related information we collect, hold and disclose

We collect, hold and disclose the following types of credit related information:

  • Identification details including your name(s), gender, date of birth, drivers licence number, address history and employers information
  • Information on credit that we have provided or will provide to you including the date that any credit contract we or other credit providers have or had with you was entered into and the date that it is terminated
  • Repayment history information on credit facilities provided by us or other credit providers, including whether you have made payments and when they were due
  • Details of any overdue consumer credit loan payments of more than 60 days and when payments have been made
  • Whether you have entered into an arrangement with us or other credit providers in connection with credit provided to you
  • Details of any judgments or writs relating to your credit or any bankruptcy agreements;
  • Publicly available information from your public file including present and past company directorships and business proprietorships
  • Whether in our or another credit provider’s opinion you have committed a serious credit infringement
  • Information about your credit worthiness.

Purposes for which we collect, hold and disclose information

We may collect, hold, use and disclose your credit-related information in order to:

  • Provide you with credit products and services (including situations where we are an agent for another credit provider)
  • Assist you with your queries or concerns
  • Comply with any legal or regulatory obligations imposed on us
  • Perform our regular and necessary business functions
  • Assess your credit application including obtaining mortgage insurance
  • Assess your suitability as a guarantor for a credit facility
  • Assist with collection of overdue payments
  • Assist with hardship requests
  • Derive summaries and evaluations relating to your credit worthiness which are used in our decision-making processes and ongoing reviews
  • Determine whether you are eligible to receive particular offers and invitations
  • Participate in the credit reporting system and providing information to credit reporting bodies as permitted by the credit reporting laws
  • Deal with complaints; and assist other credit providers to do the same.

How we collect and store the information

We may collect credit-related information directly from your account application for credit. We also collect or confirm this information from a third party such as a credit reporting body, other credit providers, your employer, your accountant, solicitor or other personal representatives.

We keep the information that we hold about you secure to ensure that it is protected from loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure. Your information may be stored physically including in paper form or electronically. Our staff are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any information held by us.

Collection and Disclosure of information to credit reporting bodies

We may obtain credit-related information about you from a credit reporting body.

We may disclose your credit-related information to credit reporting bodies. This includes overdrawn and loan accounts for more than $150. This will not occur until 60 days of default have elapsed.

Credit reporting bodies may include information provided by us in reports provided to other credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness. Each credit reporting body has a policy for managing your credit-related information that you may access by contacting them.

In some cases a credit reporting body may use your credit related information for pre-screening your eligibility to receive direct marketing from us or other credit providers. If you do not want a credit reporting body to do this you should contact the credit reporting body.


Who we share information with

We share credit-related information with Equifax, GPO Box 964, North Sydney NSW 2059. Tel 13 8332.

Where permitted by law, we may also share information with other third parties, including:

  • other credit providers
  • intermediaries including introducers, financial advisers, accountants, mortgage managers, lawyers or other intermediaries acting in connection with any credit applied for 
  • current or prospective guarantors in relation to credit we are providing to you
  • mailing houses
  • mortgage insurers

We act as intermediary with a number of other organisations in order to provide services in areas that we do not specialise in such as foreign currency transactions, general insurance and financial planning. In these instances, you should refer to the privacy policy of the entity that is actually providing the service to you.


You may at any time request access to the personal information that we hold about you by contacting our office.  We will respond to such request within a reasonable time.

Complaints and corrections

You have the right to lodge a complaint if you believe Cairns Bank has breached the Australian Privacy Principles or a relevant code.  For details on how you may complain about a breach and how Cairns Bank deals with complaints, please refer to our Financial Services Guide.  You may access and seek correction of the personal information Cairns Bank holds about you by contacting us by phone, in the branch or by email.


We will review this Privacy Policy annually and we may make changes to it from time to time (without notice to you) that are necessary for our business requirements or the law.